Thursday, June 19, 2014

It's been a while

It sure has been quite some time since we've updated our blog! Since we last wrote, well, things have progressed...

I'm now in my 30th week of pregnancy with baby girl, Jacqueline Maxine Ritchie. Charles and I have been busy gearing up the nursery, and the house to prepare for her arrival. In an upcoming blog, I'll share pictures of her room, but for now, it's onto other creations ;)

I pulled out my mom's crochet hooks (to make it a bit more special) and crocheted the very first blanket that I will ever make for any of my children. I know it doesn't sound like much - but I grew up watching my mom crochet, learning from her, and sharing patterns with her. I did so, because I liked to do it, and I liked that bonding time. I never wanted children, I never even wanted a husband. Making this blanket with the thought that it will be for my child, a life I created, sort of made me realize just how much my dreams have changed.

Then, I pulled out my mom's old sewing machine. Yes, when I say old, I mean it. That 20+ year old machine and I sure fought each other every step of the way, but what I was trying to make - needed to be done. I kept seeing car seat canopies for sale... everywhere! Unfortunately, none of them seemed to fit what I had in mind for my little girl. After falling in love with the colors of the blanket I crocheted, I wanted something in that color scheme. I resigned to having to make one for myself... so I did. Poor Charles had to watch me fight with the sewing machine, and the pins getting dropped everywhere - but he didn't say much...

More updates to come in a later blog post, about baby Jay, and the other non-baby related things going on in our world.

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